sepron™ are the Australian wide leaders in septic tanks, leach drains and components. The polyethylene tanks are certified to Australian Standards AS/NZS 1546.1.2008 and are lightweight, durable and easy to handle.
This makes them the preferred choice for plumbers and homeowners throughout Australia.
sepron™ also offer components to complete leach drain installations which include:
Audio Visual Alarms, Pumps, Diversion Valves, Floats, Leach Drain Segments
All products are Australian made and designed.
sepron™ tanks are renowned throughout Australia as reliable, practical and durable to accommodate installations of wastewater to treat and dispose of sewage.
sepron™ tanks are an Australian made and designed tank with product approval in SA, NSW, ACT, WA and VIC. All tanks are approved and certified to suit local government requirements, therefore meeting necessary regulations.
sepron™ septic tank sizes 2200L and 1500L are designed for easier transport, installation and convenience of ease of access when installing. The sepron™ smaller sized tanks 1000L and 500L are ideal for pumping effluent water to required drains or dispersal areas.
All tanks are fitted with connections and lids ready for use making ease of installation to either your new or existing building. The tanks are designed to integrate efficiently with your chosen leach drain system.
* Product installation and use to be in accordance with the sepron™ installation and operation manual.